Psychological /Psychometric Assessments

Psychological /Psychometric Assessments

Psychological assessments are done on a referral basis or as a part of ongoing treatment. The department and team is involved in administration, analysis and reporting of major, standardized and clinically relevant test of behavioural and mental health problems.

CIBS is equipped with most advanced and relevant psychological screening batteries and rating scales that support diagnosis, management and further guidance for the person and the consultant dealing with them. 

  • Clinical Rating Scale
  • Personality Scale
  • Autistic Spectrum Rating Scale
  • ADHD Rating Scale
  • Learning Disability Profile
  • Cognitive Tests
  • Psychosocial, psychoeducational, academic, intelligence and neuropsychological assessments are also done.

The purpose of these assessments is to provide diagnostic clarification of individual specific understanding, guidance and  recommendations for appropriate interventions. The list of tests and tools used at the institute are as follows:

  • Tests of Intelligence(IQ)
  • Tests of Aptitude(Career Guidance)
  • Behavioural and Personality test(Counselling Life Skills)
  • Tests for Learning Disability( Diagnostic and recommendation of remediation program)
  • Projective tests ( Behavioural modification and parenting for Children

These tests are administered by RCI recognized psychologists and conducted under the prescribed norms of the RCI.