Department of Clinical Psychology
This department is headed by Dr. Deepali Pangaonkar (MBBS, MSc. PhD, PGDHR). She is a behavioral scientist with an experience of two decades. She has developed her skills alongwith this department for behavioral interventions, clinical assessments, group therapies, relaxation techniques and career counselling.
The Department of Clinical Psychology carry out following tasks
Psychological Assessment and Psychometry
Psychological assessments are done on a referral basis or as a part of ongoing treatment. The department and team is involved in administration, analysis and reporting of major, standardized and clinically relevant test of behavioral problems and mental health problems.
- Clinical Rating Scale
- Personality Scale
- Autistic Spectrum Rating Scale
- ADHD Rating Scale
- Learning Disability Profile
- Cognitive Tests
- Psychosocial, psychoeducational, academic, intelligence and neuropsychological assessments are also done.
The purpose of these assessments is to provide diagnostic clarification of individual specific understanding, guidanceand recommendations for appropriate interventions. The list of tests and tools used at the institute are as follows:
- Tests of Intelligence (IQ)
- Tests of Aptitude(Career Guidance)
- Behavioural and Personality test(Counselling Life Skills)
- Tests for Learning Disability( Diagnostic and recommendation of remediation program)
- Projective tests ( Behavioural modification and parenting for Children)
The clinic offers psychotherapy to individuals, families and groups with the goal of assisting individuals and groups to gain greater insight into their problems, cope more effectively with personal stresses and interpersonal conflicts, and achieve higher performance.
Psychotherapeutic modules are aimed at persons and their caregivers with
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Somatoform pain disorders
- Dementia
CIBS provides opportunity for sharing of problems, education and spreading awareness of mental disorders. Group therapy has been helpful for persons and caregivers of ADHD, OCD, Schizophrenia, Anxiety and Learning Disability. Self -help groups have also been formed by the institute like Astitva, Soahm and Vishwas.
Guidance and Counselling
Guidance and Counselling services are provided for academic issues, interpersonal conflicts, marital conflicts, parent child relationship and career
The institute has developed various projects for Child development (Manthan), Academic development (Disha), Teacher skill development program (Gurutva), Learning disability (Soahm), Sports psychology (Manolaksh) and School Mental Health program.
Special Clinics
Formed with the aim to educate and spread awareness among persons and caregivers regarding psychiatric disorders, Autism, ADHD, Learning Disability, Schizophrenia and Dementia.
Academics / Training Programs
Workshops and internship programs for training and research purposes are held for psychologists, educationists and social workers.
The services involved under this department are :
- Individual Counselling
- Career Counselling
- Family Counselling
- Couple Counselling / Marriage Counselling
- Premarital Counselling
- Group Therapies
- Online Counselling
- Sports Counselling